Clash Royale Hack Guide

How To Get Clash Royale Gold & Gems!

Clash Royale Hack,Clash Royale Hack gems

Sabtu, 30 April 2016 Colossal Tournament: The Biggest Clash Royale Tournament of India is Coming Soon

Clash_Royale_Tournament is bringing the biggest Clash Royale Tournament in India. Are you playing Clash Royale and looking for Tournament to check you strength? This stage is perfect for you!

What is Tournament?

The tournament is the place to check your strength among many of the players and along with checking your game, you can earn some Gems as well as some respect.

How Can I register for the Tournament?

It is very simple! Just fill out the Tournament Registration form and submit that online. After that just take a screenshot of your game profile and email that to
you can fill the Tournament registration form by clicking here
Is the Tournament only for Indians?

No, the tournament is open for all the players around the globe who can make it in time.

What are the Tournament rewards?

We are giving away Clash Royale gems to 4 players and totally 10,000 gems.

  • 5,000 gems to the winner
  • 3,000 gems to the runner up
  • 1,000 gems each to the two semi finalists

How can I play the Tournament?

You only have to register yourself properly. The rest of the work will be done by We will be posting more info about the tournament and how this will be done. So just be patient and stay tuned with us to play the tournament.

How many players will be there in the Tournament?

In this tournament, there will be a total of 128 players.

How can I be sure that my entry has been properly done?

we will post a detailed list about who are participating in the tournament. So  if you have done it properly then, your name will be there. But one thing to clear that, the first 128 players to register for the tournament will be eligible. However, we will take entries upto 150.

When is the Tournament?

The tournament date has not been revealed yet but what I can say now, it will be done in the third week of May 2016.

what are the tournament rules and How can I know who is my opponent?

I'll reveal about the rest of the things in my next article. Till then stay tuned!

What if I miss any info or Couldn't check the blog in time?

Well, we have got your back. Subscribe to our news letter so that you will not miss any single article posted on the blog. You can also like our facebook page and follow our twitter account to keep yourself updated!

Do you still have questions on your mind? Feel free to comment. I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

Supercell is not affiliated with, does not endorse, nor is it responsible for, the content of this tournament, site or other materials related to this event

Jumat, 29 April 2016

How to Deal With Lose Streak on Clash Royale and Why This Happens?


Winning and losing are part of the game. You either win or lose. But losing streak comes as  a disaster for the Clash Royale players. One lose streak can make you lose more than 200 trophies in 20 minutes. For the Clash Royale players losing streak is a huge thing to deal with. Losing streak in game can shatter your mood and make you feel angry. Now who knows what you'll do while you are angry! In this article I'll explain how to deal with the losing streak and why this happens.

If you are playing Clash Royale for about 3 or 4 days atleast then I guess you already have experienced what a disaster it is. Here are some tips that can help you to get over it -
  • When you face lose streak just stop playing the game for few hours and it will be fine again.
  • When you face lose streak, do not lose your temper, that might harm you or anyone around you because while we are angry we lose our senses most of the time.
  • Take deep breath and chill! This is just a game, so no need to worry that much. Just come back to the game after few hours and you'll be back in winning run again.
However, if you keep playing in lose streak then there is 99% chance that you'll lose your next game on that time and lose your valuable trophies.

Why Lose streak happens?

It is the matchmaking system of supercell which makes this. After winning a few battles, you will be matched with tougher opponent that you actually deserve. So if you win against him then fine, you'll be matched with the player even tougher than before. There's very little chance of winning. So this is how SuperCell has kept the game mechanics. 

So beware of the Lose streak which can make an end to your trophy pushing as well as put an end to your joyful day!

Do you have your own way to deal with lose streak? feel free to let us know in the comments below!


Senin, 25 April 2016

Clash Royale 2v2 Battle Concept Explained: Is It Possible?

Till now I guess you have already heard about the 2v2 Clash Royale Battle concept but this one I'm going to share is totally amazing!  Well I don't know who is the inventor of this concept but this looks cool anyway. Just like including of the Clan wars changed the whole Clash of Clans gaming, this 2v2 live pvp battle can change the gaming style of Clash Royale. This has a great potential and this idea was very much discussed in the Clash Royale reddit forum.

clash royale 2v2 co-op battle

So you can see in the photo that there are 2 King towers and 3 archer towers and a larger space on each side. Total 5 crowns on each side. There are 3 bridges by which troops can enter opponents area.

clash royale co-op battle
You can see your own card and you can also see your team mate's card which will help you to choose you card and you both can make a good combo. The middle bridge is the common place where the middle tower from both sides can shoot.
clash royale co-op battle
In the above photo you can see the ranges of the towers so that your understandings will be clear about this amazing concept.
clash royale co-op battle
The green and orange player can probably use the left side and the middle bridge. The Blue player and the Red player can use the right side and middle bridge. This seems that there will be a great Clash to see if it comes live in some months or years.

This game has a lots of potential in the coming years and Super Cell can make it happen for sure. Like I said before, this 2v2 battle can really change the face of Clash Royale.

Here is a graphical presentation of this concept that you might like to see-
clash royale co-op battle

clash royale co-op battle

clash royale co-op battle
This concept is totally possible and almost complete. I can not see any faults for now but maybe if we look deeper into we can make some improvements. However, lets hope that in the near future we will be seeing something like this. What are your thoughts about it? Do you think this is possible? 

Source : Clash Royale Reddit

Minggu, 24 April 2016

How Average Elixir Cost Affects Your Winning Chance in Clash Royale


Average elixir cost of your battle deck is one of the most vital part of the game Clash Royale. Average elixir can change your whole game. You will either do good or bad according to your deck and your deck performance depends on your average elixir. Today in this article, I'm going to explain you some basics on how this will affect your winning or losing chances of a battle.

If we divide the battle decks among few categories according to average elixir then we will get the followings -

Super Low elixir Decks
clash royale deck
 Super low elixir decks are those decks which has below 3.0 average elixir. This one is just a sample of the super low elixir deck. If you use this kind of deck then you have very low chance of winning the game as you will not have high damage dealing troop on your deck. You have small fast troops which can help to to spawn many troops at a time but if the opponent hit with arrow or fireball then its gone! you are all clear. With this kind of deck, if you want to win then you have to destroy opponent tower in the first 3 minutes. You have no chances in 2x elixir period. 

Average Low Elixir Deck
clash royale deck
Average low elixir decks are those ones which has average elixir cost upto 3.5 This is an example of a good average low elixir deck. This type of decks are good for defending but you are probably going to lose with the heavy elixir decks if you can not destroy the opponent tower within first 3 minutes, With this kind of decks you can target one tower only. Winning chances are fair with this kind of deck, In the 2x elixir period it will be hard for you to maintain your opponent if they have heavy elixir troops.

Average Good Elixir Deck
clash royale deck
This decks are probably the best ones to have. These decks are counted upto 4.4. These average good elixir decks are pretty much balanced and you can spawn your troops fairly well. You can both both and defend very well with this kind of decks. Winning chances are good but you have to be careful with heavy elixir decks in the 2x elixir period. With the low elixir decks, you chances of winning is more than ninety percent.

Average High Elixir Decks
clash royale deck
Average high elixir decks are those which have more than 4.4 average elixir. This decks works very well in the 2x elixir period. With this deck you can push great but defending is quite hard, So till the 2x elixir period just defend yourself and then you can start pushing and you can hope for 3 crown victory. However, with the Average good elixir deck, your chances of winning is equal.

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Jumat, 22 April 2016

Insane Mortar Deck Strategy: Jump from Royal Arena to Legendary Arena


Deck strategies are what you need to perform very well and keep your trophies high. But the truth is, sometimes we are yet to find out which deck strategies perform well with our plying styles and card combinations. However, in Clash Royale, you need a little bit of skills to outrun your opponent from the battlefield. The deck I'm going to share today, will be very helpful for you to reach Legendary Arena if you can set this deck with your skills.

The insane mortar deck is built around defensive cards with the ranged troop Mortar which is the most hated card at this moment. Now lets take a look on what are the cards in this deck which is making this deck so awesome!

Here is the detailed description from the deck builder -
Arrows - Pretty self explanatory, kills low hp troops and if used correctly can often result in a positive trade for you. I always have arrows pre selected after I place mortar because about 60-70% of people try to counter the mortar with a minion horde.
Barbarians - Solid card. Decent against Giant pushes, absolutely mandatory right now seeing as hog/zap is so popular and Barbarians are such a great counter because they counter the whole combo. Zap is very ineffective vs barbs.
Mortar - That one don't need too much explaining, very powerful and almost broken card. The key is to always try to place it a couple of squares from the bridge so that it just hits the crown tower. This also allows your cannon to be in front of it in order to distract incoming troops. I have attached a picture of the combo in order to give you a better idea of how to place it
Spear Goblins - Just like skeletons, amazing cycle card and great distraction for prince, mini pekka etc. especially when used alongside with cannon. Also great at shredding hog rider when used defensively or doing a bit of chip damage to their crown tower when you have to cycle.
Elixir Collector - Amazing card which I always place as shown in the picture. In overtime, this card really allows you to cycle very quickly and place several mortars if needed or spam rockets a couple of times. An essential card. It also plays a key role when playing against mortar mirrors because it serves as a great distraction for their mortar.
Rocket - This card really separates the average mortar players from the very good players. If timed correctly it can equate to amazing value. Some examples of when to use is when opponent places elixir collector in the back of crown tower and you catch both collector and crown tower or when troop is just approaching crown tower and you catch both troop and tower. Also great against mortar mirrors because you can trade 6 elixir (rocket) for their 7 or more (mortar + cannon or other structure). Overpowered in overtime with elixir collector because you can afford to spam these boys. 
Minion Horde - Simply a solid card to use in your deck. Great at shredding big units such as giant/pekka. Sometimes opponent misuses arrows on your and goblins thus opening the opportunity for you to simply play minion horde at bridge and take their crown tower if they don't run zap/fireball. Sometimes opponents try to play a baby dragon against my mortar + cannon but I simply drop minion horde on top of the baby dragon and pretty much shred it within 2 seconds.
Cannon - Sickening value for 3 elixir. Great at defending your mortar from ground units when combined with skeletons and goblins. It's also great in mortar mirrors to simply trade cannon for mortar if your own cannon does not get distracted. 

This deck looks cool. If you are facing problem pushing from Royal Arena, then you should give this a try. 

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5 Things You Should Keep in Mind While Building a Deck


Deck is the most important part of your trophy pushing. A deck will generally decide how much you can push your trophies. Though you need good cards on your deck and ofcourse high level cards but if your deck is not balanced then you cant win much and will probably lose more battles than you win. So building a good deck is what you need to continue your trophy pushing. In this article, I'll explain few certain basics that you should follow while making a new deck.

  1. First and most important fact is, your deck must have to be a balanced deck with certain amount of Offensive and Defensive cards, so that you can do a push and in the mean time you can stop opponent's push. You can read everything about any cards in our Card Info section
  2. The deck's average elixir should not cross 4.5 otherwise you chances of losing the game is much higher. The decks which has more than 4.5 average elixir are called heavy elixir deck and they generally contains either Golem, Pekka or maybe both. This deck users have to wait for the 2x elixir time to take advantage of their troops but the risk is that if you use this type of deck then most probably you'll get any of your crown towers destroyed before reaching 2x elixir period.
  3. The deck should have enough troops for air attacks. Either you keep Baby dragon, or you can have Minion horde, archers etc. Keep in mind that, Arrows can not kill Baby Dragon or Balloon. So while making your new deck, this is a very important point to consider.
  4. You must have to keep both single damage troop and splash damage troop on your deck to ensure that you do not get pushed with the troops like Barbarians, Horde etc. So splash damage troops is what you need who can hit mlutiple targets at a time.
  5. Your deck should contain a high damage troop which can bring your winning crown. If you follow all the above 4 points but do not keep any high damage troop then you are probably going to lose because you can not even get one crown (I'm not talking about Mortar or Xbow, those are raged troops)
However, always keep on thing in mind that, no single card can ensure your win, Your troops combination is the most important factor. To know about battle tips, you can check here
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Sabtu, 16 April 2016

Best 5 Ways to Use and Counter Golem

Best ways to use golem

Golem is one of the most popular epic cards in Clash Royale. The Golem card unlocks at Builders Workshop. Though is it as a higher arena card but still this card is very popular due to its high hitpoints. Golem is of 8 elixir which is pretty high but still this card is used because of its unstoppable capacity. In this article we will talk about the best ways to use and counter Golem. You can know full details of Golem by clicking here

Best 5 Ways to Use Golem
  • The use Golem efficiently, you must have Elixir collector on your deck.
  • Make sure to have a troop at the back of the Golem that can counter Minion horde or Skeleton army. Wizard is the best choice here. It is also good for countering Barbarians and Inferon tower.
  • Dont forget to spawn your Golem at your side where it is safe because Golem takes 3 sec spawning time in which your opponent can damage a lot of Golem's HP
  • It would be more efficient if you spawn your Golem at the back of your king tower so that you can reinforce it till it reaches the bridge.
  • Make sure to have cards that can protect you on the other side. Because sometime when you prepare your golem push, your opponent can use the Elixir Advantage and destroy your other side.

Best 5 Ways to Counter Golem
  • The best possible way to stop Golem is the Inferno Tower, Over the time, the damage increases so it is very good for high hp troops like Golem
  • If you dont have Inferno tower on your deck then Barbarians, Skeleton army are also useful to stop this monster.
  • Keep the Golem distracted with buildings. If it reaches to your tower at being Golem (the second stage is Golemite), then you can get your tower destroyed most probably.
  • Golem is a high elixir troop so if you have some instant hitting troops like Hog Rider, Dark Prince or Prince you can start pushing from other side (only if you have inferno which will make sure this Golem will not reach by your tower if there is no reinforcement at its back)
  • Notice your opponent's moves and look for the Splash damage troops that your opponent has previously used. You can guess that the splash damage troop is going to be at the back of Golem. So reading your opponents move will give you advantage to stop the Golem push.

Is this info helpful for you? Let me know in the comments below!

Rabu, 13 April 2016

Reach Royal Arena with This Low Average Elixir Deck

royal arena reaching, push to royal arena

Clash Royale decks are very important for doing better performance. Once you find out a suitable deck that suits your battle style then it will be very easy for you to push your trophies. But ofcourse the deck must be balanced deck with enough amount of defensive and offensive cards. In this article Im going to share a deck that is well balanced and pretty low average elixir cost.
low average elixir deck. low elixir deck

Card Strategy according to the Deck Builder

Rocket - Used to hit those players who use huts, elixir collectors, etc. Can be used to hit buildings behind towers, troops along with the tower, or just to snipe the tower. Ex. opponent puts elixir collector behind tower, I rocket it hitting both the tower and elixir collector. Only reason I use rocket is because I do not have lightning spell on this account. Although on my main account I use lightning and prefer that over rocket. Can be replaced with lightning
Goblins - Used defensively and offensively, sometimes I send this right after I send in my hog rider, this is to increase my damage output and maybe bait a zap/arrows. Play this card in middle of base so their troops are lured to the middle and get hit by both towers or take the long route to your tower. Cannot be replaced
Hog Rider - Use this when you are sitting at 10 elixir in beginning if you don't have anything else to play, that way you can see what they have to counter and in the future try to play it when they can't defend back along with goblins or spear goblins. This card acts as the front line and tanks for your smaller troops. Cannot be replaced
Arrows - Used to counter swarms, minion hordes, etc. Sometimes used if you need to get that last hit off the tower. Can be replaced with zap if you please
Elixir Collector - Place this in front of your towers in the middle so that troops are going towards the middle. Used to tank for your towers and generate elixir so you can spam more troops. If hog/prince or whatever is already at your tower, don't hesitate to place it on top of them if that's what it takes to win. Can be replaced with cannon if you don't have elixir collector yet
Minion Horde - Used to defend against tanks or big threats such as P.E.K.K.A, Valkyrie, Giant, etc. Can be used offensively if you know your opponent has no counter such as arrows, zap, fireball, etc. Cannot be replaced
Minions - Can be used to defend against smaller threats such as knight, valkyrie, musketeer, can be used behind hog rider to inflict some great damage. Cannot be replaced
Spear Goblins - Can be used defensively to slowly chip off opponents or lure troops to the middle, can be used offensively behind hog rider and potentially bait zap or arrows Can be replaced with archers, not recommended
My card levels are commons: 7, Rares: 4, Epics: N/A, (Lightning level does not matter)

Battle Strategy according to the Deck Builder

 If you have elixir collector in your starting hand, awesome, place that in front of your king tower in the middle of your base so troops are lured there and attack that instead of your tower. If they place down bomb tower, or elixir collector and you have lightning/rocket, take it out. If you don't have it, use minions to take it out, potentially bait some troops to be played. Counter their ground troops with your air troops and lure them away with your ground troops. ie. they use barbs at river, use spear goblins and minions to defend, potentially baiting arrows, if not, send the hog in to tank and let the minions and spear gobs to attack the tower. Repeat process just play safe and be alert of their cards, their counter cards, and when it is your time to strike. If one of their towers are low enough, go ahead and rocket or lightning but make sure your towers are clean of their troops because you are using 6 elixir. In overtime, once you send the hog, maybe lightning/rocket their building or tower or tower + troops, and have a swarm of goblins and minions coming at his tower, and they arrow your swarm, that is when you send the next batch in, whether its in the other lane or the same lane, they will have a tough time defending if they already used their counter card because this deck cycles super quick. 

Well this deck looks promising.The deck provider also have proof on his reach to Royal Arena. Those are here -
win win win Clash Royale

 Give this deck a try if you are facing trouble to reach Royal arena and let us know your outcome!

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Selasa, 12 April 2016

Better Card Donation System and Double Crown Chest Rewards are Coming with Tournament Features

Donate more cards on Clash Royale

Just yesterday I was talking about the Tournament update and Super Cell again today confirmed that they are really working into something big. Not only the Tournament update they are going to bring huge changes on the Card Donations system.

Probable Changes on Next Update

  • Finally the Tournament system is going to be added with increased cap.
  •  Now you can request 30 common cards or 3 Rare cards at a time which was 10 Common Cards or 1 Rare cards at a time for Royal Arena.
  • Crown Chest rewards will be doubled. More rewards is equal to more fun!
These are the confirmed changes for the next update but still can hope the leak that happened few weeks ago come true to add new troops and gold rewards on each PvP win to Clash Royale. The update will be hitting early next month. The updated Tournament system looks like this -
Clash Royale tournament is coming
This new update is going to change the game for good. The gamers like me are really looking forward to see this update. What about you? Let me know in the comments below!


Senin, 11 April 2016

Clash Royale Tournament Coming Soon as Confirmed by Super Cell

Clash Royale Tournamnet update

Clash Royale is still at the early stages of development. There are many things that will be added in future updates and Tournament is one of them and the most wanted feature for now. Few days ago, the official Clash Royale Blog confirmed about the Tournament and few other things including watching live friendly battles.

Tournament is going to be the biggest part of Clash Royale. It is really a good news that the Clash Royale development team has confirmed about this good news. They have also showed a screenshot of the basic rules of the tournament.
Clash Royale Tournamnet update
According to the official Clash Royale Blog -
Clash Royale's fast, strategic gameplay is well-suited to competitions. We're thrilled that players are already organizing their own tournaments, and we've been watching as many as we can! One big lesson so far is that disparities in card and tower levels can be hard to overcome for even the most skilled players. In order to make tournaments a big part of Clash Royale, our goal is to give players an easy way to level the playing field.
To achieve this, we plan to emphasize the importance of our "Tournament Rules" in the future, which we consider to be the basis for competitive Clash Royale play. This will ensure that skill, timing and placement will always be the deciding factors in competitive matches.
They have also mentioned that -
Our philosophy on tournaments is that anyone who plays Clash Royale should be able to participate, and potentially win if they've got the chops. The best of the best will be determined by the quality of the player, not the level of their cards!
We're still working out the bigger picture for how we want to fully emphasize Tournament Rules gameplay, but in the meantime we can say that we'll be adding live spectating to Friendly Battles in the next update! This should really help tournament creators run better and more exciting events! Stay tuned for more on the Tournament Rules topic coming soon.
Clash Royale Tournamnet update, live replay

It seems like Super Cell is really working hard with Clash Royale and doing changes regularly, which is very good for all the gamers out there! Though there is no announcement of timing but still we can hope that this will come with the next big update at the end of April. So are you excited to get this update? let me know in the comments below!


Minggu, 10 April 2016

Push From Arena 1 to 7 with Simple Amazing Deck

Clash Royale deck to reach Royale Arena, Clash Royale deck to reach arena 5
There are many decks out there that will help you to push your trophies but there are only few decks that almost remains the same. This deck I am talking about will remain almost same from the very beginning from Royal arena. For the players who are haven't yet reached Royal Arena, is a dream for them. I know it very well cause before reaching to Royal Arena I struggled for few days and finally this deck helped me to reach.

Push Up to Arena 5

Lets start from the beginning. You only need to change your deck on Arena 5 cause you'll have better options available then.
Clash Royale deck to reach Royale Arena, Clash Royale deck to reach arena 5
With this deck above shown, is very simple and elegant. The cards are all available in training period. Now you may think what if you  dont have any of Prince or witch. Well for them, i'll say, you can replace it with Baby Dragon. Among, Prince, Witch and Baby Dragon, Super Cell provides us any 2 at the start. So this is not really a big deal. But remember, Witch is very important here and Giant is the main Card. This deck is very hard to stop and will smoothly help you to reach to Spell Valley. If you are wondering about the deck strategy, Im writing it down there.

Push up to Arena 7
Clash Royale deck to reach Royale Arena, Clash Royale deck to reach arena 5
You see what are the changes from the first deck? I've just replaced Musketeer with Wizard and our loving Prince with most wanted Hog Rider. The Elixir cost remains the same but now your deck is much better. This is a simple amazing deck that will make you to Royal Arena without much losses. 

Deck Strategy: Now lets talk about this deck strategy. In this deck, the key card is the Giant, which will be your Shield for you high damage troops that will be on the back side. First, Spawn the Giant at thr back of the king tower, until it reaches to the bridge, you will have full elixirs again, now its time to reinforce your shield with high damage troops. You can pick the troops you want. But it is better if you keep either Witch or Wizard and Bomber there. They wont let anyone stop your Giant.
Always get prepared for Barbarian from the opponent cause that is the only troop can counter your Giant so make sure you spawn the wizard at a specific distance that can protect your Giant from the opponent Barbarian. Generally nothing stops this push unless opponent places bomb tower. This is why the Hog Rider is in the deck. So clear out your path and make your enemy destroy to the ground!
Prince would do the same.

Generally this deck works very smooth. The success rate of this deck is fairly well and most importantly, you dont have to change your deck over and over again. Have faith on this deck and make it to the Royal Arena!

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Rabu, 06 April 2016

How Clash Royale is Affecting Our Lives?

Clash Royale, Clash Royale demoralizing

Its not very long, Clash Royale has gone global. Like their other superhit game Clash of Clans, this game has also got massive popularity. But there are certain things that are different between the two games. Not only the gameplay, Im talking about the effect that Clash Royale puts on us.

No doubt the game is fun but this game effect our mind heavily specially when we face a losing streak and I think everyone has faced that already. You might me thinking what Im talking about, but after reading this article completely you'll atleast agree with me at some points.

  • Just when you get win streak and feel confident about your skill just then you start getting loss streak. Demoralized!
  • People say you need to stop playing because your anger changes your judgement, but what about getting a loss streak being so calm? demoralized!
  • You are having a nice beautiful day, just when your notification arrives about Crown chest. Now you started pvp and strted getting loss streak. Your beautiful day shattered instantly. Demoralized!
  • You entered top 200 local with full chests. You posted about that on your social profiles, good comments from people made you feel really nice. Now chest slots are free and you have to fight, but u started getting loss streak! you are out of top 200 now. Demoralized!
  • You are dreaming of wonderful things at night. Notification arrives for chest is ready to open. You only need 1 crown to unlock Crown chest but then you are getting loss streak. Now you can not sleep at the middle of the night. Demoralized!
  • You are working at your office and feeling really productive at work. Notification arrives for crown chest. Loss streak started! Now your mood is shattered. Your productivity at work is affected. Demoralized!
The fact is, not every point will happen together but at some point you have already faced any of the mentioned points. Though this is just a game and meant to give us fun but Clash Royale gives us both. Literally, this equals both the happiness and sadness cycle. Don't you think so?
angry baby playing clash royale

Credit to Pedro Lee for making this awesome post on Forum.

Selasa, 05 April 2016

A Deck That Probably Has No Counters

most_effective_deck, Hog_deck

As the days are passing by, more and more players are joining the game which is making the game tougher. For the players who are atleast in Royal Arena, it does not matter much but atleast a little percentage of the new comers are Gemmers. So, to survive and move up on trophies you must have an effective deck which will make sure you do not go down and you can keep up rising.

Now you are wondering what is the deck that I am talking about? Here we go!
most_effective_deck, Hog_deck

According to the deck builder -

I start with the hog, princess, or spear goblins for starter chip damage, and can counter almost any push in the game. This deck works extremely well against pekka, baloon, and golem because of the inferno and all of the small troops that attack air, the princess, fireball, and barbs counter spawner decks well, you can always counter freeze a hog freeze deck, and against xbow and morter, there are a lot of good low elixir troops to damage them along with the fire ball.

The good thing is that, if you have Princess as your then you can easily replace your arrows with princess.

                             The Main strategy
With this deck try to get an advantage early and then hold out for the rest of the battle. With all of the smaller cards in the deck, the goal is to be able to get an early lead, because you can play a lot more troops. If you reach double elixir and you do not have a good amount of damage on the other towers, than you are probably going to tie or lose unless the opponents are doing a similar deck. You need to be able to get enough of an advantage before double elixir so you can focus on defending against major attacks, as a lot of high elixir decks do very well in double elixir.

And here are the special tips from the Deck maker that might help you to understand the deck better and make it more effective -
I know it's hard, but DON'T BE GREEDY, if you waste too much elixir with a hog freeze push, or don't have a plan to defend against there counters, you will lose. With this deck, if you play it right you can get very high in trophies. As a new level 8, I have played level 9's and tens with level 6 epics. DON'T STRESS, and don't rage. This is a game, it's meant to be fun. If your going to get mad because your high in trophies, it might be best to drop down. When I was level 7, I dropped 400 trophies in 30 minutes because I raged, don't be like me. tip Spawner watch out for spawner decks. If you are facing a lot of them and losing, you might want to switch fire for lightning or archers for dragon, but don't worry, they luckily aren't that common.

So, do you have any suggestions or counters for this deck? Lets me know in the comments below!

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Senin, 04 April 2016

Font Colors will be Removed in Next Update

No More colours on Clash Royale

SuperCell introduced font colors in Clash Royale few weeks ago and it is quite popular among the players to chnage their name colours to various ones like red, yellow, green etc. But Super Cell will be bringing an end to these fun soon! Probably in the next update.

As per the Clash Royale Reddit Community, Super Cell will be removing the font colour feature in the next update and your name will be staying with the color codes. For example, if you have color on your name then after the removing of the color your name will appear as <c2>Your Name</c>

This will look terrible? Don't worry, Super Cell has got you. They will provide you a free name change to correct your mistake.

Now the question comes, why Super Cell is doing this? This isn't affecting anything! On this Question, Super Cell gave a reasonable answer. 

The next update will be hitting the store probably on the middle of the April with some cool new features too.
Enjoy your colorful names till the next update!